What does fine-free mean to you?
Fine-free does not mean that you get to keep your items forever. We do want our materials back. It does mean that when materials are returned late, you will not be charged any late fees. If you choose to check out material from another local library that is not fine-free, fines will still be charged.
If you stop charging fines, what incentive is there to bring back your checked out items?
We hope that you will return your items in a timely fashion because it is the right thing to do.
As added incentives, accounts will be blocked from further checkouts when material is overdue by 14 days or more. Accounts will be blocked from further checkouts when certain Library of Things items and STEM Kits are overdue by 10 days or more. At 45 days overdue items will be considered lost and will automatically be charged to the patron’s account, including a $5.00 processing fee.
Will you receive notices when checked out items are coming due or overdue?
Yes, you will receive notices delivered in your requested manner (email or text).
Why do I have fines or charges on my account?
Charges on your account could be due to fines from checkouts at other libraries and bills for lost or damaged items.
What happens when an item is returned after it is billed to an account?
The bill for replacement cost and processing fee will be removed from the account if the item is returned within 60 days from the date it was billed, which occurs at 45 days overdue. We will not accept any returns past this 60-day window, since the item will have been replaced. The Cary Area Library does not accept replacement copies in lieu of payment.
If a patron pays for an item and then finds it, can they return that item for a refund?
If the item is returned within 30 days of payment, then yes, the patron’s account will be credited and a refund check will be issued. There are no refunds after the 30-day return window.
Will taxes increase as a result of going fine-free?
Happily, the answer is no! The Cary Area Public Library has seen a significant decrease in fine revenue since the start of automatic renewals and has been working hard to establish other sources of revenue. One of the main changes has been the revenue received from accepting passport applications.