Tax Day info & resources

Tax Day is Monday, April 15, 2024

For general tax information visit the Internal Revenue Service and the Illinois Department of Revenue. Library staff is not able to offer tax advice, help in determining which form(s) to use, or assistance filling out forms.

  • The Library received a limited amount of Illinois State tax forms but does not stock the majority of preprinted forms or instructions. You can download/print forms online: Federal forms & instructionsIL State forms & instructions
  • We have four binders of reproducible tax forms and instructions. Three are available for checkout; one is for reference and must remain in the Library
  • Computers are available for use on a first-come, first-served basis with a time limit of one hour per day. CAPL cardholders will be given priority
  • The Library will print 10 pages of tax documents (forms or instructions) for free. Any B&W printing beyond 10 pages costs 10¢/page
  • Remote web printing: send your print jobs online to the Library from home, the office, or your device while at the Library. Once sent, come in to pay and retrieve your print(s) within 24 hours. Print from home or from your WiFi-connected laptop/device

Filing online

Tax Preparation Assistance