Please note that there will be work done to the Library’s street entrance, parking lot, and Drive-up street exit. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time!
- 6/16/23: The Village of Cary will begin doing some curb and sidewalk replacement at the Library entrance
off of Three Oaks Road and the Drive-up exit onto Mallard Way. They will be doing the work along Three Oaks Road in two sections to maintain access to our front parking lot and building. However, our Drive-up will be blocked off while the sidewalk and curb across the driveway exit onto Mallard Way is replaced. During this time, we will place our mobile black return bin (pictured at right) outside the main doors during open hours to collect returns. If you have holds set for pick-up at the Drive-up Window you will need to come in to check them out during this time. We apologize for the inconvenience.
- 6/18/23: While the Library is closed for Father’s Day, our parking lot will be seal-coated and re-striped. Our outside return slots and the temporary black bin will not be accessible that day– but nothing is due on Sunday and we are fine-free.
- 6/20/23: Drive-up reopens; work continues on the entrance to the parking lot at Three Oaks Road.